Why Drain Cleaning is Important
It’s spring and that means many homeowners in Fort Lauderdale have been going through their closets, vacuuming the carpets, and giving the house a deep scrub. But did you remember your drains?
You most likely have a store-bought drain cleaning product for when the bathtub won’t drain or the sink is backing up, but slapping a band-aid on the situation often won’t make it vanish. Plumbing issues that seem small usually end up being major problems if they aren’t resolved correctly. Even if you think this issue is just a slow drain, it’s recommended that you have thorough drain cleaning to make sure it doesn’t cause damage to the entire system and leave you with a giant (and expensive) problem. Keep in mind, no plumbing issue is ever too small to need a drain cleaning.
There are multiple reasons why your home’s drains can end up clogged. For kitchen drains, the typical reasons are going to be pieces of food and oils. Make sure you run your garbage disposal and don’t put things like grease, eggs, and coffee grounds down the drain because they will all wreak havoc on your pipes and other plumbing components. For For your showers, tubs, and bathroom sinks, the most common reasons for drain clogs will be hair that has fallen out, soap scum, and foreign objects. (Is your little one missing some blocks or have you realized that you are missing a necklace?) A seasonal drain cleaning by a local Fort Lauderdale expert will help keep these little issues from accumulating and turning into a huge plumbing problem.
Your toilet can also become clogged by the usual issue of using a bit much toilet paper, but also from flushing things like floss, diapers, cotton swabs, or flushable wipes into the septic system.
If the pipes are clogged, by napkins, floss, or anything else, it will most likely also affect the water pressure balance of your complete plumbing system. If you don’t take care of these issues immediately by calling for an expert in drain cleaning, it could leave you with cracked pipes. Or worse, your pipes could totally burst leaving you without running water in your home.
Also, what drains down can sometimes come up. Sadly, you may know this already with prior experiences with a clogged toilet, but backing up can also happen in your home’s sinks. Have you ever been cleaning dishes after a hearty meal and saw the water wasn’t draining and that vegetable you rinsed down there a couple minutes ago is now back? A routine drain cleaning, or an emergency drain cleaning when you first realize the clog, can avoid these issues completely and prevent your drains from getting clogged and causing a stench to back up into your home along with the water.
For expert drain cleaning in Fort Lauderdale, call Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning. We are available around the clock for all your plumbing needs, so if you have an emergency at 9 p.m. or it’s just been awhile since your last drain cleaning, we are just a call away.